Remember Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers gliding across the television screen? They moved as one and knew just where the dance was going. As a young girl, the duo’s graceful swaying and intricate footwork mesmerized me and I imagined it was me. But, not all childhood dreams come true.
However, another dream of mine did come true.
My heart pitter-pattered when singing couples graced the air waves or T.V. imagining myself as the soprano.
But God far surpassed silly childhood dreams. He fulfilled them with meaningful and actual reality with His signature on my marriage to Ken, the tenor to my soprano. For many years, we sang as a duo and on worship teams and I could hardly believe that I still got to do this!
God birthed His music into the chambers of my heart, choreographing my life with His harmonious composition.
Psalm 30: 11 & 12 says, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing…and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.”
Sighing or moping instead of singing and dancing? Lean into the music of your soul.
Then lift your voice and be back on the dance floor of his joy. Selah

“Sighing or moping instead of singing and dancing? Lean into the music of your soul.”