Using its back legs like a springboard, the squirrel left the edge of the potted plant as if catapulted by a slingshot and landed squarely on the bird feeder.
Our mouths dropped opened in disbelief. The distance he ‘flew’ was significant.
Battling squirrels at our bird feeder had become a daily chore. They could bypass our once trusty, but rusty baffle easily. Their acrobatics…like jumping straight up and landing on top of the baffle, a short hop, skip and jump to the bird feeder…baffled us!
The ingeniousness of a squirrel’s mind and athletic capabilities makes one think they may have their Master’s degree in smarts and acrobatics. But, we weren’t totally outsmarted.
We suddenly realized that we had changed bird seed and that this type that dropped to the ground alerted the squirrels there was more to be found above their heads. Changing back to the patio type seed and a new baffle solved our problem.
Sometimes I do mental gymnastics. I fuss and fret, jump from one thing to another and spend all my problem solving skills; yet, I don’t unravel a thing.
But when I turn back to the Lord, place the problem firmly in His hands, I find peace. God’s voice whispers from 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
Discernment comes and I’m baffled no longer. Selah

“Sometimes I do mental gymnastics…yet, I don’t unravel a thing.”