Psalm 23
In my younger years, I would often proclaim “I can take care of myself.” I was strong-willed, determined, and independent, and I just could not seem to relate to being a sheep. I often wondered why Jesus called us sheep. Why not lions or tigers, or panthers? An animal that is more magnificent and fearless. But Jesus knew me better than I ever could. I am a sheep, always have been, and always will be, and I need a Shepherd.
Looking in the rearview mirror of my life, I can see times when I blatantly displayed certain sheep-like characteristics. I also can see the rod and staff of my Shepherd guiding me and caring for me.
Sheep can be perverse and stubborn and will insist on doing things their way. They will even eat poisonous plants or drink dirty water. At times, I have insisted on doing it my way only to end up with poisonous plants and dirty water.
Stampedes can occur in a flock of sheep because sheep are vulnerable to mob psychology. One cry of “Wolf!” and panic will set in and they will follow one another off of a cliff. They react to the other sheep instead of staying by the shepherd. I have been there.
Because sheep are fearful creatures and are easily panicked, the shepherd is the most effective, calming influence on them. When I look back on my life, I can see the times that I was so wounded by life’s circumstances that only the presence of my Shepherd was able to calm my fear and panic.
I understand more now that I am not so young, and I find contentment and peace in being a sheep. A sheep who is content where she is in life and who can rest in the peace of her Shepherd.
Diane Padgett 5/13/09
Lonnie on April 10, 2017 at 9:04 pm
Diane, I enjoyed your devotion. I’ve read much on sheep and shepherds over the last couple years. How loved I feel when I see the tender loving care of a shepherd for his sheep. He knows us well, doesn’t He?
Diane Padgett on May 9, 2017 at 3:31 pm
Yes, He does.