My quest began on April 17, 2000 when a one hundred year storm hit the shoreline of my life. I have questioned family members, I surfed the internet until my eyes would burn, and I read everything I thought would calm the wind. I was constantly seeking an answer to the question my mind understood, but my heart just could not grasp.
Why? Why did God give him to me only to break my heart? Why him? Why did the coroner say “natural causes” when there was nothing natural about it? “Natural causes” is not a good answer.
Recently I thought my quest had finally come to an end when I was having lunch with some of my family on my mother’s side. The conversation turned to the recent problems a cousin was having with his heart. The doctor said it could be hereditary.
Over the past fourteen plus years I have been telling folks that I still did not know why Adam died but as long as the Lord knew why, I was okay with that. That was only partially true for the need for an answer was a constant fire in my heart. After talking to my cousins, I was hopeful that I was finally going to get an answer to my “why”.
This new information about my cousin proved to be a dead-end, but in the process of seeking rest for my questioning heart, I got an answer. The Lord has patiently allowed me to continue my quest over the years, but it is time for me to stop. In the past fourteen years I have received the answer to my “why” many times, but I never would fully accept it. At last my heart understands that “Because I said so” is the perfect answer.

II Corinthians 12:9 “…My grace is sufficient for thee….”