The shadow of betrayal loomed large and crystal clear. He could see it all. We are not told how. But being the son he was privy to the plans and purposes of his father.

Together they would show the world how to respond to betrayal.

One wonders what they discussed during those precious father-son times. Details and intimacies that generated from a trust developed as son began to understand the giant heart of the father and the father observed the growing heart of the son.

Even as the powerful plotted his death and the disillusioned plotted his betrayal, the father and son plotted their response.

The son's best friends had no idea that when push came to shove they would turn-coat and deny their friendship. He tried telling them, several times. O how he tried to warn them that betrayal loomed large and crystal clear within their very own tight-knit band. But they could not fathom it. Would not admit to their own human frailties.

"Surely not I?!" they each asked out loud. "Surely not I" they each pondered in their hearts.

Betrayal loomed large and crystal clear. But it did not detract father and son from responding as planned. One purposed, the other executed, and the invisible third enabled. Together they would show the world how to respond to betrayal.

One follower reacted in instinctive violence, slashing off an ear. The son responded in purposeful resolve, re-attaching the slashed ear. He would show the world how their father had shown him how to respond to betrayal.

But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Reflecting on the Shadow of Betrayal (Matthew 26:1-35) as Jesus prepared to carry out his heavenly Father’s response to a humanity that had betrayed His covenant love.