Hebrews 9:27-28 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

I was chatting recently with a physician friend in Florida over the likelihood of war between the US and Russia. We've had a very colored history with that nation, and I remember vividly the chilling headline "We will bury you!" credited to Nikita Kruchev, premier of the USSR during the cold war.
The frigid stance between the US and Russia culminated with the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. With varying degrees of success, the US has always had an untrusting attitude toward the leaders of the huge nation. The hair thin trigger of battle has always been in the back of our national frame of reference, though there is a burgeoning church and even a period when Radio Moscow played Chrstian music in Red Square for some months a few years ago. Their President Putin, a historical figure in the feared KGB, threatened our President Obama with rescuing Christians from the Mideast if the US leader did not, climaxing in the rescue of some 5000 believers and their families from Syria over the last three years.
All these earthly turmoils serve to point out the contrast between the Lord's salvation and coming judgement and man's attempts to manage the world. We know the failures of earthly governments, from Kennedy's threats to Idi Amin's massacres. There isn't one national leader who rises to the level of saving the earth, and there never will be! Hebrews is right and all of prophecy points to the moment when we will all face the Christ who died for us, to be saved as Christians, or banished if we've not accepted him. His promise is sure, to bring salvation to those who await Him.
Sabers will rattle, martyrs will die, but we who have humbly sought the saving grace of Jesus will be saved! Though the earth perish by fire, we have the promise of the Lord to sweep us away to be with Him! Let us stand firm in our faith to endure until He comes!