March winds whipped my hair back and lifted my spirits while my husband, Ken, awaited a photographic moment near the lake. When a gentleman arrived and skillfully maneuvered his kite in the wind, the picture snapping began.
However, the best awaited us.
The man opened a case holding five kites. With great precision, he lined them up and attached the lead to both hands expertly navigating them so the wind lifted them from their lakeside perch. Tails flying, they soared into the sky in a dazzling show.
Creating a whirring sound, the flawless dancing kites ascended, dipped, and waved swishing this way and that ~ elegant, colorful winged movement against a cloudless blue sky.
The gift of the wind reminded me how the Holy Spirit of God ~ when invited into our hearts ~ is like the wind that lifts us up, up and away to realms beyond us. As we respond, others catch the breeze of the Spirit and soar, too.
Jesus told the inquiring Nicodemus in John 3:8, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Like multiple kites in the wind, let’s together catch the breeze for His glory. Selah

“Like multiple kites in the wind, let’s together catch the breeze for His glory.”