Jonah 4:4
Several years ago I came across this verse, "what do I have to be angry about?" If I had stumbled across this scripture several years earlier, in the beginning of my separation and divorce, I probably would have given God a laundry list of everything I was angry about. And, I probably would have told Him that my anger was justified. But I read verse this after I had already experienced God's healing hands upon me.
I would never wish divorce on my worst enemy. The trail of devastation it leaves behind on innocent parties is unspeakable. Yet, today it seems divorce is a common, everyday event.
To anyone who has gone and is going through a separation and/or divorce, my heart breaks with you. But more so, your Heavenly Father's heart, the creator of this covenant union breaks too. But He is there - to walk with you through the valley, to hold your hand, to comfort you, to collect your tears in a bottle, to bind up your broken heart, and to set you free. You may never have imagined yourself in this situation, but God knew you'd walk this path because He knows all. There were many days when I would tell God I couldn't believe He saw this for me. But I had to trust that He had a good plan for my life. I had to remember how much He loved me - if I didn't know this simple truth, I don't think I would have made it.
Today, I can look back and clearly see God's hand through it all. In my earthly eyes, it wasn't pretty. I prayed that God would use whatever journey He had me on for His glory because it was all about Him.
Take God at His word - He is the Great I Am and He has your name engraved on the palms of His hands.
So next time when you want to tell God how angry you are, thank Him instead for being your loving Father who created you, the One who knows the number of hairs on your head and the One who will never leave you or forsake you.
Rita Jensen on May 24, 2016 at 5:18 am
Thank you for sharing your heart….& His! What an encouragement to remember the” simple truth” of how much He loves us. That certainly is what gets us thru all the heart ache & heals our broken lives & hearts & strengthens us for each day, whatever it may hold.
Rita Jensen
nowallsaroundyourheart on May 24, 2016 at 6:28 am
Thank You!