Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

For my daughter's birthday, I found an updated version of the Topical Memory System from the Navigators, written both in the format of the Message Bible and New International version. I'd begun this journey in Scripture memorization decades ago as a troubled missionary kid smack in the middle of South American rain forest.
I'd wasted a year at Moody Bible Institute, my dad's meager funds and the chance to graduate with education and exploration, tools to further my knowledge of both the Bible and life. The frittered school year was followed by a squandered summer, and a following angry fall. Withal the seasons are reversed, so was my spirituality, couched as it were in my rank rebellion. The root of my year of discontent was narcissitic, but my display was largely terrorizing to my peers, who tried merely to stay out of my way. I was God's enemy without a shred of doubt.
At the deepest point of my depression, I met a young lady who shone like the heavens in her devation to God, who reached out to me, unconditionally, and the presence of Jesus became the light in a deep pit which seeped into my sorrowful eyes and subsequently, my evil heart. I left that meeting determined to locate what might be left of my soul and turn it all back over to God. My first step was to memorize Scripture to expunge my demons.
Within days, the light of the Lord began to give me hope and the more I spent in God's word, the brighter the glimmer of hope became. Fighting the devil with the wash of Jesus' cleansing blood and forgiveness, I now found the reconciliation that renewal and dedication of life and limb to the Almighty as my life turned about, even the soil beneath my bare feet seemed consecrated as hope flooded me, and prayer welled up inside me for my condition and the work of God around our lives as missionaries. The enemy of self surrendered to the love of Jesus. The little child who had accepted the Savior woke up and sunshine filled my soul! SAVED! YES!!
Lord Jesus, cause our nation to fall on Your mercy and repent of our sins, both private and corporate! Lead us back to your love! In Jesus name!
Our Daily Bread on May 31, 2017 at 2:07 pm
Thank you Wayne Cook for contributing this piece to the community. God bless!
waynocook53 on May 31, 2017 at 2:16 pm
YW Anne! Very encouraging feedback!
lonnie0429 on May 31, 2017 at 7:08 pm
Amen! Your prayer mirrors my heart.