I am a writer. I love to write. But more than that, I love to hear what my beloved Lord has to say to me.

Early each day, I arise to spend some quality time with Him, away from all others. Seeking Him to hear what He has to say to me.

Jesus said that His sheep know His voice and that they do not hearken to the voice of a stranger. His Word says that when the Lord is our Shepherd, it is then that we shall not want.

We can enter into His rest through seeking Him for it. It is our prayer of faith that opens the way to it.

There is no greater blessing, in my estimation, than being in a place of rest in Him. He calms all of our fears and wipes away all of our tears.

He removes all of our shame, guilt and condemnation and makes all of our enemies to be at peace with us – in that place of rest.

We need to make every effort, therefore, to enter into that place and then rest.