“Can I borrow the car?”, “I don’t know, can you?” Some of us grew up around people who responded to our questions with mysterious sphinx-like answers. Sometimes the answers challenged our thinking, most times the answers made us angry.
Spiritual wisdom is extremely important, however, there are times when it can be frustrating, particularly when we have a pressing physical need or want an answer right away.
God often answers prayers for physical needs and wants with spiritual answers.
In the Sermon on The Mount (Matt 6:30-33), Jesus chides us humans for worrying about basic human needs and instead urges us to “seek first the Kingdom”.
Throughout the Old Testament, God delivers lengthy poetic metaphors to describe His relationship with the nation of Israel (e.g. Ezekiel 16, 23, Song of Solomon, etc.) Even in Isaiah 55, the prophet urges people with no money to “come and buy.”
The woman at the well (John 4) thought that Jesus’ spiritual reference to “living water” was a new kind of well where the water flowed so easily she wouldn’t have to continue the hard work of drawing water from a deep, ancient well.
Jesus frequently used parables to answer questions or offer explanations, much to the frustration of “thinking” people.
Many times God answers can seem mysterious.
We would prefer to instantly see an instant increase in our bank account, have perfect, uncomplicated relationships, and see every other issue solved immediately. However, because God is a Spirit He wants us to see things from His perspective.
As soon as one of our needs is fulfilled, we have another one. But when our body and mind are filled by God’s Spirit, suddenly those issues we face don’t seem as important or as difficult to overcome. Imagine complaining about the color of your shoes as you pass a person with no feet.
We are physical and spiritual beings. Our physical side always tries to overpower the spiritual side. God understood this and became man for our sake to show us that it’s difficult but not at all impossible to let the spiritual side have the greater influence.
So the next time, you are faced with a physical problem, ask yourself, “What would God’s Spirit do?”

Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.