Good Morning beloved, avoid all those dangers and remain true to faith and free from greed. By doing so, he will be "a man of God," a witness of Christ.

Read and Mediate on 1 Timothy 6:11-16

Reflection after Reading:

The first sentence starts with: "but you, man of God, shun all this". Reading from verse 6, we see that St. Paul is talking about money.
Money is mentioned twice (6:10 and 6:17-19). After the first years of enthusiastic faith, the church finds that, even for a believer, everything is lost when love for money persists. That is the drama in certain countries where solid Christian groups have been caught up with the best of society in the pursuit of money: Faith continues to be important for them but this faith only motivates fidelity to religious practice. Money that has become our security lessens our trust in God(6:10) and isolates us from others.
The pastors of the church should be the most aware of the danger (6:11). Salvation for them will be to place themselves in the less secure areas of life and society, where an act of faith is constantly necessary to overcome difficulties and joyously accept sacrifices (v.12). It is not in seeking first of all our personal fulfilment that we become God's agent and a witness of Christ, as he himself has been the witness of the Father (6:13).

Paul calls upon Timothy, as he calls upon each and everyone of us today, to avoid all those dangers and remain true to faith and free from greed. By doing so, he will be "a man of God," a witness of Christ.

The quest for money leads us away from our mission and our relationship with Christ. Many might disagree but it is a fact no one can deny if ever we check our standing with Christ before and after riches. The Lord tells us that no man can serve two masters: God and Money (Matthew 6:24). The power of money is great and easily conquers those who seek it earnestly.

We are to live holy and righteous until the coming of Christ, that should be our main focus, not how to continuously "acquire". The truth is that in God we will have all that we desire. Seek first the kingdom and every other thing shall be added unto us. If only we can trust in God completely and let go of all that weighs down our relationship with Him, we will see that the life God has in store for us is better than what we think we desire.

I saw something on Instagram yesterday, it was a statement from Jim Carrey: I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see it is not the answer. These are wise words from one who has "been there and done that". Many may say; well let me see for myself.
I pray that as we live our lives, we do not live so far away, it becomes too late when we realise how far we've gone.

Psalm of the week: Psalm 80
Prayer of the week: God of love and mercy, fill our hearts with your love as we prepare to celebrate the birth of your son. Amen

God bless you