Romans 5:8 we learn that even while we were still sinner, God choose to die for us.
Have you ever driven by a TV with a free sign on it? Do you get excited or do you question what’s wrong with it? Well many have that same mindset when they hear the many promises of God. God Promises to Love, be truthful, comfort, help, be loyal, protect, and be with you. He promises all this and all he wants is our heart. He wants us to acknowledge him, love him, and put him first. All these things we willing give to anyone. Even those who give us love based on conditions. You know those conditions, if we act right, give them what they want, make them look good etc. In Romans 5:8 we learn that even while we were still sinner, God choose to die for us.
In life, there are all sorts of rules put in place to protect people from others who don’t live up to expectation. We have fees that we have to pay if we break a contract, warranties that kick in if a product doesn’t live up to its promise and even policies that allow you to return something if it fails you. God didn’t take any of those precautions, He went in head first because of his love for us he left his throne, endured and died so that we could live life to the fullest as we see in John 10:10 know like the sheep we are would wander. And we do he is the father of the prodigal son who returns home. In Luke 15:20 while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him coming and felt sorry for him. So he ran to him and hugged him and kissed him. We see that even when we stray we don’t have to pay. Have you ever been to venue that says you forfeit your admission when you leave? God doesn’t make us pay. When we wander, come to ourselves and make our way back we comes running to us with open arms no questions asked. His love is free and unconditional.