1 Corinthians 12:12

As a child of God, we all have a place in His plan. No one is excluded. We each have a purpose, skills, talents, abilities suited to the task that God has put before us.
Our gifts are different, but that doesn't mean that your gift or mine is any less important. Our gifts are to be used to the very best of our ability.... to serve God.
We should not look at what others are doing or what they have done or haven't. It is so easy to judge someone by just what we see or what we've heard about them. But if we really give someone a chance we might find out that we had it all wrong---we can never really know what goes on behind closed doors: the struggles, the trials, the burdens, the heartbreak. If we could just see with God's eyes then maybe we wouldn't be so quick to judge.
We need to find contentment in what God has given us individually--to use our talents for His glory not ours, to give thanks even when it is hard, knowing that God will see us through.
We can be assured that the devil wants us to fail---to give us, to judge others, to hold grudges, to not use our gifts and abilities, to not work together. We cannot let him defeat us.
Of course, our best defense is God. To Him we are not a number, He calls us by name. God is Jehovah, the Self-Existent One. He does not need us, but He wants us, loves us, and desires for us to follow Him. It's time to stand up, not to be counted, but to be named a child of God, to seek Him, to know Him---for He is worthy.
T. Walls