Every Day Carry is the longform for EDC, a category on Youtube for what one puts in a bag or backpack to go to work. It's tantamount to what we used to put in the pockets of our jeans, Keys, cell phone, wallet, driver's license, perhaps a hankie for us allergy sufferers.

I was taught in Boy Scouts to be prepared

I'd watched about 40 of the videos which different guys and gals had shot and shared with the public, with their contents including a handgun, protein bars, changes of clothes, even tampons to put over wounds, and of course a small first aid kit. EDC means so many things to so many people! As a kid growing up in my early years on a farm, all I had was a small pocket knife! All the larger tools were in the barn!

I've been through jeans pockets, briefcases, and now a 30 lb knapsack! What in the world am I doing? A woman's purse albeit full of necessities, pretty much defines what she carries every day to office, parties, concerts, and dinner out. These "everyday things" are what we all succomb to hoping our supply is sufficient for the day. Goodness, I carry a full zipper sack full of common tools, including a flashlight, scissors, D rings...you get the idea!

I was taught in Boy Scouts to be prepared, as we reviewed lessons in those colorful manuals many years ago. A pocket knife, pehaps a tin of bandages, maybe even a lighter and cotton to start a fire in cold weather. My dad, our scout leader when I was 11, even took our troop on a picnic in Nebraska in -30 degree weather! Strength to endure!

God reminds us that the strength to survive, comes from Him; our defense against Satan doesn't come from the barrel of a gun. We can't shoot spiritual warfare, though in this chaotic culture, even in my state, we are deluged with crime today! Our supply for life is prayer, the Bible, and living as a witness. A far more simple EDC of a Spirit filled continuance. I'm not against self defense! I'm not against survival. I still carry enough stuff to be stuck on the freeway until help comes, and if in the country outside cell phone range, stuff enough for a couple of days. The key to survival isn't the tent or clothes, not the gun or first aid, but to not stretch your line of supply beyond what you are able to reach. The same thing applies between us and God. As a Christian, my line of supply is stretched thin when I veer off the path God called me too and become disobedient. In life, I'm stretching my supplies if I drive to the end of my gas tank, with no filling station within sight!

God's filling station is comprised of His word! May we always be conscious of our surroundings and what God provides for us to stay in the center of his strength, His will!