Often times we set time limits to our goals in life. We expect to graduate college, get our dream job and have a family by a certain age. It’s of course inspiring to set goals but often times they happen according to God’s timeline rather than ours.

We tend to ask why things happen or don’t happen and why now. We doubt God’s plan. We continue to ask questions to understand why. As humans we need a reason why events happen at certain times. Sometimes we cast blame to helps us understand the timing.

Despite our disappointment or impatience in waiting for things to fall into place, we must not lean on our own understanding. In all things we must trust that the Lord has a great plan for us to be put in place at His perfect timing. Even when they do happen the specifics may not fit our mold as to how we wanted it to unfold. But we must trust His ultimate plan.

If we continue to live our lives with God at the center He will make our paths straight. Each event in our lives occurs according to God’s will and we must trust that His ways are best. For our God is the only one that knows our past, present and future. He is the same today, yesterday and forever.