Psalm 1:1-3

For the past 36 years, I have worked diligently to replace my own thoughts with His. Spending time in God’s Word, meditating on it day and night, is how it’s done.
When I first came to the Lord in 1979, I had been diagnosed with the medically-incurable disease of what is now called “Bipolar Disorder.” Although doctors said I would be on psychiatric medication for the rest of my life, they did not have the final say.
Inviting Jesus to come into my life to be my Lord and Savior, an instant change took place on the inside of me as it does for all who will do this. However, that was just the beginning of my new life in Christ and not all that I needed.
As I began to meditate on His Word, the process of transformation continued, taking me from being very lost and confused into making me the woman of God I was destined to become.
By writing “Dear God” letters to the Lord, I began to draw nearer and nearer to Him, pouring out my problems onto paper and hearing His answers to them. By continuing in the Scriptures, my mind and emotions were healed and in about three years, I was totally freed from the medication prescribed by doctors.
Meditation on His Word truly works wonders.