When I first read the words of that verse as a teen, I thought two things, 1. some one mangled the translation of the Aramaic, or 2. lots of people can't choose well!

I was lost to this vision of grace.

Only, later it happened to me! It's quite another thing when faced with a choice, both of which seem so good, but you know in your heart that one is evil and one Godly.

The deception of Satan is so clever that Christians are sometimes blinded by what they naturally desire and the presentation of evil which seems good to a man. Making good choices sometimes breaks our hearts for a time! Imitating good can be so hard!

When I met my wife, it was during a time when I was heart broken that a beautiful Peruvian girl and I had just been torn apart by my parents. She'd been gentle, above board, and in love with me, completely obvious to a young man whose view of the world was still so immature. She was Catholic, very devoted to the Lord, and I was lost to this vision of grace.

God had other plans and while angry over the incident causing such a rift between my parents and I, He brought a Godly blond into my life. Obviously I was taken by the golden sheen of her hair! She sat me down the afternoon just a day after we met and quietly told me how much she felt drawn to me, but afraid of the anger I exhibited. I knew immediately that God was calling me to two things, His word, and the life of holiness she was trying to show me.

The choice? One of two ravishing young women, both committed to the Lord, but only one being the RIGHT choice. Right choices are very hard sometimes...only God's guidance can make the difference between life and death. The line could be so small. Elizabeth and I went on to raise three of the finest children I've ever known, imitating God's goodness for our lives. Every one of those kids, a dedicated Christian. Imitating good is so powerful. Liz died a short time ago and It's up to me to carry on her legacy with our kids. Imitate good.

Lord Jesus, help us to see beyond the sheen of beauty that distracts us to the truth of your Word and our need to submit to Your good!