Galatians 5:1
Every July 4th America celebrates her birthday. During this time, she also reflects on the freedom that was purchased for her. Because of those who have laid down their lives for their country, those who live there can enjoy the freedom it has to offer.
This freedom allows us talk, worship, and have our say in things. While we may be free in these matters, some of us are still burdened by "the yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1).
Before Jesus came to earth and paid the price for our sins, we were all slaves to sin. We had no freedom. We were in a jail with chains on. But because Jesus paid the price for our sins and then rose from the dead three days later, anyone who calls on His name will be saved and set free (Romans 10:13).
Because of what Jesus did, we are no longer slaves to sin. But how many of us still live in these chains? The jail door has been opened for us. Christ died to set us free. Free from sin, guilt, and death. We don’t have to live tied down to these things that steal the joy that has been won for us. Won’t you step into the ultimate freedom that has been purchased for you?