Saul became so jealous of David that he tries to kill David with his spear not once, but twice! What made Saul jealous? Reading this passage, you could have missed it. It was a comparison between thousands and ten thousands. David returned from striking down the Philistine and the women were singing songs of joy, dancing with musical instruments and sang, "Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands." And scripture says Saul became very angry and displeased. Oh, how easy it is for jealousy and envy to creep into our hearts! It can be subtle and sometimes innocent. But allowing it to fester is where we get in trouble.

"Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands."

Jealousy says or makes you think:
Why did they get recognized instead of me?
How do they do it all?
I wish I had the time and talents to do what they do?
They are surely blessed.
They have it all together.

David was successful because God was with him. And Saul knew this. Like David, you can become successful in all your undertakings because the Lord is with you. Being successful, favored, blessed, whatever you want to call it, requires us spending time with God and knowing His heart and allowing Him to use us - our time, our gifts and talents that He gave us - for His Kingdom and His Glory. Allowing jealousy to take root in our mind, heart, emotions will only stump us!

When you find jealousy rising in you, immediately stop and take it to God. Nip it in the bud before it has any time to grow and bloom. Get real with God. Tell Him exactly how you feel, what you feel and ask Him to help you replace it with His love, mercy, and grace. Ask Him to let Him see you as He sees you - blessed, favored, forgiven.

We all have God-given gifts and talents. Instead of being jealous of what someone else has that you don't - ask God to reveal His gifts and talents to you. David was a man after God's own heart. Be that kind of person. A man or woman that seeks after God's heart so you can radiate Him. David radiated God's favor in his life and that's what made Saul jealous. We should radiate God's love in our lives so people will not be jealous, but they see God.

Jealousy has no place in our lives. We are all called to be ambassadors, ministers of reconciliation, light bearers and we cannot be all that God wants us to be if we allow jealousy to stomp us in our spiritual journey. Let me add one caveat here - there is nothing you can do if someone becomes jealous of you. But when you recognize it, you need to pray about it as well. Ask God to remove it but also thank Him for the grace, gifts and talents He gives you to live this blessed life.

Jealousy --- don't let it get the best of you!