"Losing control" is often a phrase used when someone feels their lives are chaotic. Everything seems out of hand to them, and it feels like there's nothing they can do to fix it. Recently the phrase "losing control" to me has meant freedom, peace, and potential.

Losing control gives me so much freedom. When I surrender my worries, trouble, anxieties, doubts, and everything else to God I am removing the pressure that I so often put on myself. Knowing that someone who created me, and knows me, and loves me is taking hold of all of my brokenness and making it beautiful is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.

Losing control gives me peace. I am someone who struggled with anxiety a lot of my life, at times it resurfaces but for the most part that is something completely gone from my daily routine now. The removal of my anxiety is one hundred precent the Lord. The second I let go of everything that was never even mine to control in the first place I feel an immense sense of peace amidst the chaos.

Losing control breathes potential into my life. Admitting to my desire to control situations, and intentionally asking God for help opens up the door of potential in regards to the capacity in which God is working in my life and the capacity to which I actually see it. God loves me and his plans are to help and not to hurt me. Why would I, an earthly being, who could very easily screw things up want to take control when I have a perfect and good father who says "Give that to me, I may not do what you want with it, but whatever I do with it will be exactly what you need, and what I have intended for you." In the areas of my life where I have given up control are also the areas in which I see things working themselves out through God in beautiful and miraculous ways.