In what or whom do you delight? In what or whom do you find pleasure? What’s your absolute favorite thing to do? What’s your favorite activity? I enjoy reading, cruising, and listening to music. However, my absolute favorite thing to do is studying the Word of God. I get so tickled when God begins to speak to me through His Word and shows me, me. I delight in the law of the Lord, His word, even when it’s bringing correction, conviction, or instruction.
Not only does the law of the Lord bring those things, but it also brings comfort, peace, joy, counsel, and guidance. The Lord spoke to me through the Word when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After I heard from all the specialists, I needed to get alone with God to hear what He had to say on the matter. The Lord comforted me through the Word and reassured me that I would be ok.
God desires that we delight in Him and His word. His Word, His law seems restrictive to some people, almost suffocating. However, to Believers, His Word is freeing. It brings a smile to our faces.
What about you? Do you delight in His law? Do you meditate in it? If you do, praise the Lord! If you don’t, let me encourage you that there’s pleasure in His law. The more you meditate in it, the closer you draw to Him. It becomes as important as the air we breathe.

I delight in the law of the Lord, His word, even when it’s bringing correction, conviction, or instruction.