Good Morning Beloved,

Serving God is our mission, duty, assignment on earth.

Read and Meditate on Titus 2:11-12

Reflection after Reading:

Salvation is available for every single person who exists on earth.
The scripture reading, starts by telling us the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all. We are to be reconciled with God, turning away from an inconsequential and nonchalant way of life, to a life guided by the Holy Spirit, a life clearly immersed in the fear of God.
No longer should one be occupied with self but instead emit the love of God to our neighbour, the love that fills the heart of every true believer; agape love.

A Christian must be upright. Integrity should always be seen in us. There is no room for unrighteousness for we have died to self and live in Christ. Our actions automatically reflect our faith. In all things we have to imitate the ways of Jesus Christ, it is not easy and on our own we will fall. Hence he has given us the Holy Spirit, he has given us abundant grace to always seek his face and overcome all hurdles of life.

Serving God is our mission, duty, assignment on earth. This is the reason we were created. It will be pointless to serve God and not know him and we cannot love one whom we do not know. We must fulfil the commandment that Christ gave us which is the centre of our faith. To love God. When we come to know our creator, the one who called us by name, who separated us from the crowd, from darkness into light. Who opened our eyes to see that the path of the world and flesh leads to death. When we come to know He who loves us more than we love ourselves, then we will love him with all our hearts, all our might and all our heart. Is there anything we wouldn't do for the one that we love? Our life will truly become one of service, for this is the only way we can get fulfilment.

Let us pray that The Lord will draw us closer to him each day more and more. Amen

Psalm of the week: Psalm 100
Prayer of the week: Lord, help us to bear the message of the gospel with urgency in order to stay spiritually awake. Amen