2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

I laughed in derision when I first read those words. Light and Momentary indeed! Very quickly the historical background arose in the fog and even the vision was frightening.
Rome WAS the terrorist organization of the times when Paul wrote this letter! Their brutality ranged from banishment to human torches in Nero's garden! Paul was under house arrest for his demand to have his trial before the emperor of the earth's universe.
Rome had terrified the planet with their ruthless conquering of many nations...perhaps only Genghis Khan was more violent. If you spoke out against the cruelty of the government, you could be killed on the spot! Even Roman senators were horribly put to death for speaking of rights in those days!
Many had their own private armies to protect the families after they became wealthy. ISIS, Boko Harem, even tiny Shining Path had nothing on Khan and the subsequent Roman government. And yet...many of our own structures of rule descended from the Romans. It wasn't their laws which were so despicable, it was the evil of individual hearts put in places of authority.
And Paul lived what he preached in the midst of suffering! Chained to two guards, the Christians about him kept him alive through gifts of food. Though persecuted the church stood by him, even while the Corinthians allowed egregious sin into their midst. Paul reminded them that earth is NOT our home, and what we endure here isn't to be compared with heaven!
No, martyrdom of 900,000 Christians in the mideast does not seem light...but even Franklin Graham estimates that a third of all Muslims have answered the call of Jesus and live secretly as Christians. Even Christians in Roman times lived their faith in secret! We dare not judge, what we have not lived!
Lord, help us to be faithful in all our circumstances! In Jesus name, Amen!
Our Daily Bread on June 5, 2017 at 12:22 pm
Thank you Wayne Cook for sharing!
waynocook53 on June 5, 2017 at 12:28 pm
Your feedback has been so very supportive! Thanks!