His name means "Pure", but people thought his purity was a bit lax, since he was among the ones who collected tax.
They called him a sinner; was he really that? Or was that just the view from where the people sat.
They sat in judgment of the tax collectors of their day. They felt they had all gone astray.
Now, his name was 'Pure', but if he was not; this man wasn't in a very good spot.
He had heard that Jesus was passing through his town; he knew there would be a lot of people around...
So this man climbed a tree, because he was short, which made it hard to see.
He knew he wasn't well thought of, so he certainly wanted to see this man who spoke of love.
Maybe he wanted more than 'purity' in name. Perhaps he wanted his name and heart to be the same.
When Jesus saw him in the tree, He said, "Zacchaeus , hurry and come down; for today I must abide with thee."
Zacchaeus was smiling; as happy as could be, as he wrapped his cloak around him and scampered down the tree.
At his home, Zacchaeus told Jesus, he would strive with all his might to be pure in heart, and do things that are right.
Then Jesus said to Zacchaeus and his spouse, "This day is salvation come to this house."