Matthew 22:34-40
I want to be moved by the plight of others, even more so that I am. We are to love God and to love others. The two biggies when it comes to commands.
Some would say we are to love those around us completely and that is loving God and keeping that command. But, it's all about being sacrificial and not really all about those closest to us that we love naturally.
When was the last time you loved someone unlovable? THAT is what it is to love your neighbor as yourself.
God always challenges us to push beyond ourselves with the command to love. And love is not always a feeling, but an expression. I don't always "feel" love, but I can show the action of love. If showing love to others was easy, God wouldn't have had to command us to do it.
When was the last time you gave voice to those who had none?
When was the last time you showed mercy to someone who didn't deserve it?
When was the last time you did something so selfless and so sacrificially it hurt and was uncomfortable?
THAT, my friend, is to love your neighbor as yourself.