If my wife and I had not fought, we'd never have known the wonder of falling in love all over again! As Beth Moore noted this morning, she and her man, Keith, have been married the same amount of time my wife and I had, and her story is replete with angry snarls, making up, falling in love one more time, and repeating that process over and over for all of married life. I imagine more couples are like that than aren't.

That "aren't" conveys something which as humans, we cannot achieve...

That "aren't" conveys something which as humans, we cannot achieve more than a few hours, and that's "folded hands" Godly. We simply don't act out loving God's law or he would not have repeated that phrase throughout the Bible. No matter how many devotionals I study, or Scripture flows from my pen, I'm not the man I want to be, parent, friend, or child of God. I'm grumpy at times, demanding during moments of stress, and in the last three years, I've cussed a few times.

I can tell by the looks on the faces of my children, I'm not a paragon of fatherhood. I apologize as quickly as possible and ask forgiveness. I pray as much for mercy as I do for prayer requests.

I would love to be "king of the road", but definitely more the lazy hobo than a warrior! No, most of the time I do not have a high opinion of myself, but that's where grace enters and self fades. God had all that covered with the blood of Jesus and I have peace because no demon, no man on earth, no situation, can separate me from the love of God...and therefore I love His law!