So many resolutions were made this year. So many celebrations. So many new things are starting off- new jobs, new colleges, new romances, new apartments. But what if there was only way to live? Only one way to celebrate? One way of dressing? Life would soon become very dull.
We are used to having multiple choices in everything we think and do. The dizzying options we have seems in conflict with Jesus’ bold statement that, “I am the Way” (John 14:6).
Jesus wasn’t restricting us. He was God’s simplest way. No stream of water tries to go uphill – it always finds the path of least resistance. Instead of giving us tons of laws to follow (He had tried that and we failed miserably), God gave us a simple law. Believe in His Son.
There are many denominations, styles of Christian music, and personal ways of living out Christ’s mandate to love and spread the gospel. Just as many streams converge to pour into one ocean, so do our many diverse efforts to evangelize point to Jesus Christ.
While there may be a million way to do everything else, I am comforted that God offered me a simple way to reconcile with Him and have abundant life!

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.