The most spoken words from the Bible in the last 2000 years may be the lines from the Lord's Prayer. More famous that most Presidential speeches, from shell slammed fox hole to family benedictionis, these lines remind us of the basics of life and the providence of God in our day to day existence.

From bread to brokenness...

It is a witness to God's meaning in every culture, even those which reject Him as Sharia Islam does. From bread to brokenness, the words of Jesus in this short admonition bring to bear upon our moments the need for and the inevitable realization that spirit and body are the basis of our being. We cannot live without spirit, nor can we function physically without the body which our souls inhabit.

Regardless of the anger of Muslims or Atheists, the name of God "I am" is spoken billions of times every day as we pronounce our presence in this world. We cannot escape the duality of our frames. We are made in the image of God and no denial can subjugate that to the insistance of man otherwise.

In those simple phrases are formed the actuality of man in his world, from and to God. Forgive us as we forgive our neighbor. And those closing words, For Thine is the kingdom and the power.....FOREVER.