Prayer is essential to life, a heartfelt conversation between you and God. Whenever we need something or feel weak inside turn it over to God through prayer. Our prayers can break chains, bring a family together, heal the sick ,and etc…. prayer shouldn’t be like a long essay.. even our sighs God understands what we need or want.

1 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Never stop praying.”

Our prayers can be heard even when we write them down. They won’t be answered right away but good things comes to those who wait upon the Lord. God works in mysterious ways that we may not understand but it’s amazing how prayer works. Imagine you wanting a job and you apply for a job then you pray spend time with God, like thirty minutes later the same place you applied for calls you in for an interview. I can testify to that!!

Prayer is what everyone needs, this can bring you closer to God. No matter what situation you are in pray. Pray for strength, hope, courage, love, and knowledge. When you pray be specific with God but don’t go into a lot of details.
Matthew 6:7 says,” When you pray do not be like babbling pagans, for they think they will be heard for their many words.”

Prayer is powerful. Prayer provides healing, protection ,love, joy, victory, and deliverance. God is already working on what you asked for in return he needs patience from you. Prayer is not boring. It shouldn’t be used whenever you need something. You pray throughout your day. Prayer is what we need everyday. Prayer restores every heart that has been broken. Don’t joke when you pray. Pray for each other, don’t say you going to pray for someone then you don’t. Never stop praying no matter what.