Luke 10:16
We want the people, places, and things that don't want us.
Because we want to know why.
Why we aren't good enough
Why they didn't want us
Why the didn't chose us
Why were we rejected
But instead of being so stuck on why you fell short,
Think about the bigger blessing to come.
That door wasn't closed because you did something wrong. Or because you weren't pretty enough, or smart enough, or qualified enough.
It was closed because God has something better in store for you. He saved you from the unseen.
The discrimination and rejection hurts. Not knowing why hurts. But accepting the Lord's will helps.
But why do we still draw to the things God said no to?
Because we can't handle the rejection, because we don't trust God, and because we feel there is something else we can do to fix it.
There are times in life where you'll be rejected,
Where you'll be discriminated against,
Where you'll be counted out.
It's ultimately for your good! Because God has something better. Trust his plan for your life.
Accept that things will not always work in your favor.
You will not always win.
If you've never lost, how can you really appreciate the win?
If you've never been through a storm, how can you be thankful for the sun?
If you've never been down, how can you appreciate being up?
Let's not take life for granted.
Because whether you're up or down, high or low, accepted or denied—God still loves you.
God has not counted you out.
God still says yes to you.
God still has a plan for you.
God says trust him & fret not.
God says he'll never leave you nor forsake you.
God says he loves you.
God says greater is He in you, than He in the world.
Whatever God declares is so.
God can not lie. He is the protecter, the provider, the healer, the deliverer. He's all knowing, all powerful.
Don't let that one disappointment stop you from reaching higher. Though you may stumble you will not fall, because the Father is with you.
It's already been worked out.
Love and Trust God.
Brooke on May 28, 2016 at 4:25 pm
I liked the focus on all the wonderful promises and characteristics of God in the second half of the devotional. The overall topic reminded me of how often we are tempted to make popularity or acceptance, or relationships or even romantic love, false idols in our lives. We do this whenever we shift our focus onto people, chasing something that is not only not under our control and not our problem (people’s opinions) but also that is an entirely fruitless pursuit. Another person’s opinion is fickle, like grass that withers in the sun or sands that shift and disappear on a beach. We should walk the beach beside God without fear the shifting sand will cause us to fall. We need not look down at all.
So the conclusion was perfectly fitting, with its focus on God, where our attention and trust find their true home, where our wholehearted worship is well-placed.
So thank you Sister Kyra! Clearly, lol, as I look at what turned into a bit of a mini-devotion in my reply, your writing was quite inspirational to me. Praise God. 🙂
zekay on May 31, 2016 at 4:29 pm
Glad it blessed you sister. Glory to God!