Acts 3:19 19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

Many times, single words trip us up in our walk of trust in the Lord. As I drove to work one morning, I heard the word 'faith" followed by "fake", followed by the explanation.
We have faced more confusion in this last year than I've seen in decades. Concepts such as sexuality and gender are left upon an exam table along with man, woman, boy, and girl. People are getting surgery done on their bodies to change what they no longer want or feel themselves to be. Laws in some states allow men to prey on women at will, resulting recently in the rape of a fourteen year old girl in a highschool in Rockville, Maryland.
Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner chose to be a woman after years of competition as a man and excelling in sports. It cost him fans, money, reputation and perhaps even his life. A year later, he told a longtime friend that he was still attracted to women and thought he might detransition and become a man again.
The confusion and regret of lifestyles has left thousands of people regretting biological, gender, public shame, and impossible outcomes as they move from science to choice. But the most important bottom line is that none of this leaves us without God. At one time, I greatly admired Bruce Jenner for his discipline to achieve. Obviously disappointed when he left all behind to take on the personna of a woman, I've prayed for him since, both to repent and to leave his life of sin and call up on the Lord as Irene did. She had transitioned, later coming to Christ. Rather than destroy the marriage she was now in, she has left the future in God's hands, her pain, the lifestyle, the husband she married, and her faith in Jesus to be what the Lord wants, no longer what Irene desires.
There is no man or woman, no transitory state of being, no child who is beyond the love of God nor forgiveness! Lord, help us to leave behind the devil's lies and come to you, whether we live in the sexuality you created us with, or have changed our minds and bodies. Help us to see the tender care You have for each of us in whatever situation we now live, to receive the salvation You offer us.