Psalm 73:16-17

In Psalm 73, Asaph speaks of his frustration when he sees the wicked prosper while he struggled. This didn't seem fair to him. The Bible is full of place where people don't understand what God is doing, or wonder where God was when something terrible took place. Our lives are also full of these questions. There are often times when God doesn't seem fair, or God didn't choose to act as we thought He should. We can become frustrated like Asaph. God is not a force or energy; He has a will and can make choices how He acts. Jesus angered people in the book of Luke when He reminded them that God made a choice which widow to send Elijah to and which leper to have Elisha pray for healing. God doesn't do every miracle that we ask Him for; if He did we would become spoiled children demanding our own way all the time. But we can become confused or hurt by the choices that God makes. When Asaph was confused he sought the Lord; he went to prayer and sought God in patient confidence; trusting in His grace even when he didn't understand. God revealed to him that the wicked person was set in a slippery place, but the person who trusts in God would be in His security. Asaph found peace in the presence of God. Can we seek His presence when we have difficult times and find the grace and healing that He always gives to his children?