Some years ago there was an antique store near we us in California that was especially attractive to me. It had the kind of antiques that might appeal to men, things like lanterns and old signs and heavy items made of iron and wood and steel.

"God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind."

On one visit I noticed in a corner a large cabinet of drawers, so I went and opened them to see what treasures were hidden within. There were all sorts of smaller items, but mostly old books, many in disrepair, some coming apart. Among them were some Bibles, and a few old Sunday School lesson books. I took the time to leaf through a few of them--curious: Had the Bible changed, or the teaching of it? Were we 'off the mark' from what they taught even only a century past?

But as I looked, I realized I was smiling. There were no changes or additions or abridgements. Oh, the Bible was a King James version, so the language was not what we are now accustomed to, but it was as faithful in meaning as any contemporary Bible you could buy in a store today. Ditto the Sunday School lessons, because they faithfully taught only the Word of God, which is set not merely in stone, but in eternity itself.

Our world is one of constant change: Leaders come and go. Nations rise and fall. The wealth and health which is ours today, may be gone tomorrow. But God because of who He is does not change, and never will. He told us he loves us, He gave his Son Jesus to prove it, and his immutable Word so we could know it. Stay with it and we can't lose.

Makes you feel real solid, doesn't it?