I Corinthians 15:50-58
It is very important to know what is written directly to the church, the body of Christ; and what is written to Israel. The above passages again reference the rapture of the church (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). The trumpet sounds, the dead are raised first, and then we, too, are changed and taken into heaven with them, evermore to live with the Lord. Sin is defeated, death is defeated. Unfortunately, far too many churches and pastors teach that the church is included in Jesus’ passages in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The gospel records apply only to Israel and those who remain for the tribulation; this does not include or have anything to do with the church. We do not need to fear the coming threat of war, pestilence, poverty, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, or any of the horrific things that will happen to those remaining when the church is taken. Be careful in scriptural dealings, and apply scripture correctly to whom it belongs. And take great comfort in the fact that the church will be in heaven, enjoying the company and fellowship of other believers and most of all, the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Our Daily Bread on July 11, 2017 at 1:47 pm
Hello Cheryl Eby! Thank you for submitting this. God bless!