It's time to Eat..His daily bread

Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever believes in me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Only when you partake of his body, will you hunger for him

Only when you have had a piece of his bread, will you long for more

Only when you've had an encounter, will you realize that you're nothing without him

Only when you depend on him, will you need him

Only if you believe in him, will you need to be refilled by him
(Over & over & over again)

He is a never ending well.
That never runs dry
But we run dry.
His cup runs over

Don't run dry, try him.
Partake in his bread, which is the truth & knowledge of his grace and mercy. Partake in his truth.

Your body becomes weak without earthly food, in the same way your soul withers away without spiritual food.

The bread is his word. It represents his body. He represents the cross. The cross represents the Blood. The blood represents constant salvation. He died for us. His word is for us! It is the guide for our hearts, that leads us through life.

Partake of his bread. Partake of his body. Partake of his fruit. Partake of his labor.

The Giver wants you to Receive.
The bread is equivalent to the drink.
