1 Kings 17:1-6

The God Who Provides (I Kings 17: 1-6)
We have a God who delights to provide for His children. This is shown over and over again in scripture. However, His provision is dependent on us learning to give first place in our hearts to Him and His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33).
In I Kings 17, a severe drought had come across Israel as a fulfillment of a prophecy given by Elijah (vs 1). Since the whole nation was going through the drought, with the accompanying famine, one may ask, what about Elijah? Would he survive?
Yes, he would, because Elijah was under God's care and provision!
Let's look at 4 ways in which God provided for Elijah.
1) God provides when we obey His word (vs 2-3)
Verse 5 says that Elijah started on an excursion to the Kerith Ravine, in obedience to a Word given by the Lord (vs 2-3). On our part, we too need to be obedient to His Word.
Because He obeyed, Elijah found a place of safety where God's provision was freely available. What about you? Obedience may just be the gateway to His provision being released into your life!
2) God provides according to our need (vs 4 & 6)
Elijah had only 2 real needs at this time; food and water, and that's exactly what he got! God didn't send him money or clothes, only food and water (vs 6).
God knows exactly what we need and He is more than able to provide. Didn't He provide a water fountain from a rock (Exodus 17: 5-7) and food from the skies (Exodus 16) to the Israelites in the wilderness?
A man of God said, 'You may lack the fastest, the latest and the finest, but you won't lack what is needed'!
3) God provides at the right time (vs 6)
Never doubt God's timing! Someone said, ‘God is never too early, He's never too late, He's always on time'.
Verse 6 shows us that God ordered the ravens to carry food to Elijah at appointed times. They were dispatched in the morning and in the evening. They didn't come in the afternoon. Maybe Elijah was being forced into a mid-day diet!
Let's rest assured that our God will come through at the right time, if we hold on and don't give up.
A young Hebrew beauty queen named Hadassah was raised at the right time to become Queen Esther of the Persian Empire, so that God could use her to save His people from annihilation (Esther 4:14).
David was raised at the right time from being a shepherd boy and a back-up musician to King Saul, to become a giant slayer, and eventually, King!
4) God provides in unexpected ways (vs 6)
Ravens by nature are scavenger birds. They are not known for sharing food! But, ‘God works in unexpected ways, His wonders to perform’. He uses unusual methods to provide for His children. Therefore, never limit or pre-suppose how He can work in your situation.
Illustration – As a child, I remember when the fish vendor would come home. The moment he would take the fish out, he would be encircled by a host of crows! At the slightest opportunity, they would dart in, grab a few pieces and take off for a feast!!
If God could provide for Elijah through such birds, He can provide for us too in unexpected ways.
Trust in His provision!