Not long ago, a well-known man made the comment that if heaven existed, he wasn't going to stop at the 'pearly gates' to be interviewed as to his worthiness for entry--he was going straight in. In his eyes, what he had done here on earth to benefit others was sufficient to earn him a place in heaven.

"Whoever has the Son has life. Whoever does not have the Son does not have life."

May I say, without Jesus to welcome him, he's in for a major disappointment.

As a believer in Christ, I recognize that even as I serve him, even as I do things for my fellow man, I realize that it is not always without thought to how it might benefit me that I do them.

I also realize that when I do these acts of righteousness, that sometimes pride seeps in, because of the great favors I've done for God. The point is, even when I am acting righteously, I'm not always righteous.

I don't know about an 'interview' when I enter heaven, but I will enter, not because of anything I have done (my phony, self-serving righteousness), but only, repeat, only because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, whose blood washed away all traces of my selfishness, self-righteousness, and arrogance.