Does anyone have some time for sale?

I'm in need of some more time, so if you have any time your not using, I'd like to buy some! That's how I feel right now. Work is really busy and we've been on ten hour days for months, and most Saturday's. That's three quarters of my working days spent at work, and I'm getting tired. So does anyone have some time for sale? I need time to relax! Winter is over and spring is here so my to do list just got even longer, and It seems that for every one thing I mark off my list, there's three more added to it. Please does anyone have some time for sale? I need more time to get my to do list done! Oh ya, I mentioned it's spring time, well the brown yard I once looked at out my window this winter is now green and needs mowed. And those things growing in my yard that my granddaughters call flowers well their weeds and they need sprayed. Help! does anyone have some time for sale? I've got dandelions! And instead of Sunday being a day of rest it's become a day to catch up on all the work I didn't get done during the week. It's no wonder I'm just as tired on Monday as I am at the end of the week. Pretty please does anyone have some time for sale? I need my day of rest back!
Have you ever felt like this, well you're not alone. Lucky for us the author of life "God" gave us some answers in his word.
Look no further than (Genesis 2:15) where we read that God not only created man, but gave him a job in his creation to do. Ok, so working is good, but what if we have to much work? In (Genesis 2:18) it says that God made Eve to be a helper for Adam,and eventually they would have children which gave them more helpers to do all the work. Ok, so we don't have to feel like it's up to us to get the all work done by ourselves. God wants us to have help when we're doing our work. Ok, what about the day of rest, if we're getting help with our work do we still need one? Yes, in (Genesis 2:1-2) it says God rested on the seventh day after six days of creating the universe and all that's in it. But God did more than just rest on the seventh day he went and put his blessing on that day as well (Genesis 2:3). Well it looks like it's time to make some changes. First thing I need to be willing to do is, ask for help from others when I have to much work. And when it comes to the day of rest I need to take advantage of the blessing God has so freely given us.

Hey does anyone have some time they need, I think I may have some too sell!