As of the date of this writing, 38 years ago a new adventure began in my parents' and my life. We started our move from Yuma Arizona to Kingman Arizona. I was 15 years young and had just received my learners permit to drive. We would stuff all that we could into our car and my dad's little pickup. We made this trek up and back on US 95, Arizona 95, and Interstate 40 roughly 230 miles one way.

Dad had 20 acres in Kingman, that was way, way, out of town, dad and I built a house on that property, from the location of where it was I thought for sure I was going to hate living there. Supposedly there was a large aquifer right under our feet. The problem 600 feet of granite rock, needless to say we didn't have running water. My solution was simple join a sport, take a shower before going home.

Our closest neighbor at that time was 8 miles away. The day finally came to move in, that evening after dinner all the hustle and bustle had settled down it was dark, I went outside to see a view that I have never seen in my life in their radiant beauty, stars, so bright and clear. Oh, I had seen stars before, but not like this, I was in awe of what I saw.

I wasn't a Christian at the time, I knew there was a God and He had created all this, unfortunately I didn't give Him the glory due His name.

Thinking back on those days, living in the high desert, makes me think of David as a shepherd, with his sheep, in the summer time would stay in the field at night, David would have an unobstructed view of the night sky, much like what I saw, and penned Psalms 19 : 1-4 David writes it this way:

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

When was the last time you unplugged from electronics, payed attention to nature, praising God and have you joined in the chorus?