"People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." That's such a touching promise.

The Lord looks at your heart.

When I was younger I struggled with the loss of self-confidence. I hated what I looked like. I didn't like my body shape, my face, my hair, everything. I just hated everything about myself. I became very sad because of this. But then one day the Lord reached out to me and said that He loved me for who I was. He loved every imperfection and said that I am beautiful. I am His creation. I love this verse because it reminds us that people might judge us for our looks, but God looks at our heart. I think that's why I'm the person I am today. I'm more confident in the Lord and in myself because I know that my outside appearances don't matter, but my heart does. So does yours. So I encourage you today if you are constantly down-talking yourself because of your appearance to just focus on where your heart is.