In less then a week, we are leaving on a Mission Trip to West Virginia. I know that some people go to places like Jordan, Honduras, Africa, and India, but we are taking 23 people to West Virginia. While the location does not have the challenges as some of the other places mentioned, my mind, that tends to go a bit overboard, is already in overdrive. In my mind, the heat is going to be over 120 degrees, something will go wrong, I will get no sleep, and the list goes on and on. Man, can you imagine my thoughts if we were going to Honduras?
So, this morning I asked our Men’s Bible Study to pray for our trip. Every Tuesday at 0615, about 25 guys get together for study and prayer. We are not from the same church, but we are all brothers in Christ. So, about 23 men surrounded me, laid their hands on me, and prayed. Prayer for safety, for lives to be changed, and for Christ to go with us. Let me tell you, it was powerful. During the prayer, I felt an immense strength come into me, and I felt that I could take on the entire world for Christ had strengthened me, and I pray our group. This trip will changes lives, and if anything does go wrong, Christ will give us strength to deal with it.
Where are you feeling weak? Do your PTSD challenges make you feel weak? Physically, do you feel weak? How about emotionally? Does taking care of a loved one make you feel weak? If so, as seen by Philippians, I urge you to turn to God and seek strength. Yes, you can go to a weight room, or do push ups, or whatever, but you will get strongest by turning to God, and allowing Him to fill you with strength.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.