Joshua 24:15

It is beautiful in East Tennessee. Several years ago James and I along with my cousin and her husband went to visit our aunt in Bristol, Tennessee. That was the first time I had been in the mountains during the fall. I was awestruck by the beauty of the leaves, and there is a peace that fills my heart when I am in the mountains.
On a visit to the shops in downtown Bristol, my aunt told me that one side of the street was Tennessee and the other side was Virginia. Of course, I had to have my picture taken while standing in the middle of State Street with one foot in Tennessee and the other in Virginia.
Walking down State Street in Bristol brought a lot of laughs, but as a child of the Living God, I cannot “walk in Bristol”. When I became a follower of Jesus Christ, the line was drawn down the middle of the highway of my life. I live in the world but I am not of the world. The decisions that I make must be based on the Lord’s view of life and not based on the current politically correct ideas of the world. I must choose to see the people that I live with or come in contact the way the Lord sees them. I must view the things of life through His eyes and not base my reactions and responses on my feelings.
Walking down State Street was fun, but as long as I was in the middle of the street, I was not going anywhere nor was I moving forward. It is the same in my daily walk with the Lord. If I try to walk in the world and in the Lord I will get nowhere nor will I move forward. I must choose everyday who I will serve. (Joshua 24:15)
Our Daily Bread on June 5, 2017 at 12:26 pm
Thank you Diane Padgett for sharing this piece with the community!