The other day I found a fish hook attached to a garment of mine, which was difficult to remove, though I attempted to loosen its grip with all my might and strength. Finally, I had to resort to using a pair of scissors to break its grip and remove it. This episode reminded me of the strongholds Satan has in areas of our lives- in sin and all ungodly living, sickness, financial, social, and emotional conditions, in our goals, desires, dreams and ambition, in our ministries and spiritual development, etc. You can never overcome these strongholds in the power of your own strength. Struggle as you may, and you will when you attempt to destroy a stronghold in your life in your own carnal power and strength. Strongholds are only removed through Yahweh and spiritual weapons of STRONG prayer, fasting, obedience, professing God's word, and submission to Christ. These spiritual weapons alone are designed to destroy every hook and stronghold that Satan has in your life. So PUT DOWN carnal weapons, PICK UP spiritual weapons, and start PULLING DOWN all strongholds now!

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty thru God to the pulling down of strongholds, destroying arguments against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought captive."