I Corinthians 12:28-31

What makes a great church? A wide diversity of gifted people, each using his or her particular God given ability to His glory and to the edification of the church. And God has made a wide and varied list of these gifts of which we all have some. But there are some important things to remember. The gift of apostle is no longer valid as it ended with the death of the apostle John. Also, those sign gifts given to the twelve have also run their course with the death of John. These gifts were ONLY given to the apostles, and there are no more apostles in this age of grace; the same with healings, tongues, interpretation of tongues. If they were still valid, there is no guarantee one would have any of them as the passage clearly indicates. Not all gifts were for everyone. So if someone tries to tell you you must speak in tongues or heal or display miracles, you can tell them these gifts were done away with John and while God alone can still heal or work miracles, it is long since out of man’s hand.