Every Friday Faith, Grace and Mercy show up at the church. One of them, Faith, is the designated driver or the stretcher bearer, but she also helps with the task at hand. Every now and then, Faith has to help Grace and Mercy re-focus because their attention will wander. These three are the Window Washers for Jesus, and they make sure that the glass doors of the church are clean and ready for all who will be attending the services on Sunday.
The Lord says that all members of the body are necessary, even those “which seem to be more feeble” (I Corinthians 12:22). Many times we can learn our greatest lessons about living the Christian life, a life of service, from the feeble. Feeble not only means frail, but it means weak intellectually. The mentally retarded, the brain damaged, and the developmentally delayed members of our body of believers.
Grace and Mercy serve the Lord without a thought about Heavenly reward or Earthly recognition. Their names will never be written over the doorway of the new fellowship hall, but their names are written in the Lamb’s book. Sometimes we spend so much time trying to figure out how to serve the Lord that we neglect to serve Him. We tend to overlook the areas of service such as window washing.
We should never underestimate the importance of serving as a stretcher-bearer, either. When we read Mark 2:3-5, we see how important the stretcher-bearers are. The stretcher-bearers took the man with the palsy to see Jesus. He could not get there on his own, and verse five says it all: “When Jesus saw their [the stretcher bearers] faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”

Lord, thank you for the window washers. We may not be able to always understand them now, but one day they will be singing from the windows of Heaven. Amen.