Luke 5:16
The iPod. The iPad. The tablet. Podcasts. Facebook. Twitter. TED TV. MP3. Hulu. Netflix. YouTube. Google. We are the most “plugged-in” generation that ever was. We have more information available to us, literally at our fingertips, than any society that has ever roamed the planet. Yet, what good has all that done us? (OK, we can instantly know what one of our 1,000+ “friends” had for dessert, but…REALLY?)
Looking at these advancements from a Christian perspective, they have been a wonderful tool to reach many people with the Gospel! For this reason, we must thank God He is using our “Information Age” in such a way. But, there is a downside…
While we are busy watching the latest podcast of our favorite preacher/speaker, researching the latest Christian “hot-button” issue, and/or listening to our favorite Christian song, what time are we actually giving to God Himself? Are we spending quality time with Him…alone…unplugged?
Wherever Jesus went, he was followed…by a LOT of people. They were amazed by the miracles, enthralled by His speaking, and challenged by His message. Jesus had precious little time to Himself. Yet, He chose to get away…often. Not for “me-time”. Not to “clear His head”. Not to “get away from it all”…To pray. To seek His Father’s face. To keep His priorities. For RELATIONSHIP.
May we follow Jesus’ example. May we OFTEN get alone with God and get to know Him better!
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
Luke 5:16