Ephesians 1:10-14
In Christ we, as Believers, are no longer who we once were: Lost, wretched, and utterly guilty! For we have been redeemed, cleansed, and adopted into God's own family! Therefore, you are not your shame!
You Are Not Your Shame
You are not your shame; and you are not your guilt
For, in and upon Christ your new life has been built
You have been changed by the power of the Lamb
The Alpha and Omega, God incarnate; the great I Am
He has washed you, cleansed you, freed you from sin
He has called you His own, placed the Holy Spirit within
As a sign and seal of promise, a royal signet ring,
That you’re a joint heir with Christ, a child of the King
In Whom you trusted after hearing the Gospel story
In Whom you are now kept unto the praise of His glory